apuan alps unesco global geopark






Landslides, earthquakes and other potential risks


educational tools
on the 1996 flood:

"rains and ruins":
exhibition and catalogue realised in 2016-2017

"flood memories"
multimedia realised in 2001 and updated in 2016
(in italian)



Apuan Alps Geopark promotes awareness of geological hazards, including earthquakes and especially landslides and debris flows, during the flash floods. It prepares disaster mitigation strategies among local communities and schools.
Through educational activities for the local people and visitors, the Geopark gives information on the source of geological hazards and ways to reduce their impact including disaster response strategies.
These efforts build important capacity and contribute to building more resilient communities that have the knowledge and skills to effectively respond to potential geological hazards.

buildings destruction in Alta Versilia due to the event of 19th June 1996