apuan alps unesco global geopark





   Organization structure of the Geopark


  Organization in charge


  The participation in the European and Global Geoparks Network, under the auspices of Unesco, is guaranteed by the regional authority governed by public law responsible for the management of the Apuan Alps Regional Park, under Tuscany Regional Law no. 5 of 21 January 1985 and subsequent amendements and supplements (the name of the board is Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane – Regional Park Authority of the Apuan Alps).
The Park Authority – which in 1997 was harmonized with principles and typologies enshrined in the national framework law on protected areas (no. 394/91) – aims at improving living conditions of local communities by safeguarding nature, landscape and environment and striking a delicate balance between economic activities and the ecosystem. According to the Charter approved in 1999, the goals of the Park Authority include the re-establishment of the natural and historical environment and the recovery of structures altered by the social use.



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